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Ultimate profit solution

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Emails and Previews:

Day 1

** Please note there are 2 emails to send today. (the second being optional but recommended)

Email 1 at 9am Est Sharp!

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject 1: Bam! $64,919.09 in less than 90 days flat!
Subject 2: Don’t settle for anything but rich!

HTML Version 1 (Click image)
HTML Version 2 (Click Image)

Text 1

SUBJECT LINE 1: Bam! $64,919.09 in less than 90 days flat!
SUBJECT LINE 2: Don't settle for anything but rich!

"Discover the astonishing secret used by a burned-out,
dead-broke security guard to get off the never-ending
hamster wheel forever and create a massive $64,919.09
profit windfall in less than 90 days"

In the next five minutes, I'm going to crush every lie,
misconception, and half-truth about earning huge sums
of money you ever had.

Because what you've been led to believe about wealth
creation is an outright fabrication rolled out by a few
ultra-rich individuals to prevent you from sharing in
the money they hoard.

And, what I'm about to reveal could allow you to
finally claim your fair share of the profits.

The truth is, earning a six or seven-figure income is
easier to do than you think… If you have the right
tools and knowledge.

The problem up until now has been finding someone who's
qualified to show you how to do it and, give you the
tools you need.

Three-time world trading champion Toshko Raychev has
broken his silence, and now, he's going to deliver what
no one else before has…

The secret strategy that could let you create long-term
sustainable wealth… Even if you've never traded a day
in your life.

It takes only a small investment to get started - one
anyone could easily afford. In fact, you could start
with as little as $100.00.

Unlike other high-risk security types, with this simple
yet powerful strategy you could earn profits off the
high volatility in the currency market.

Go get Toshko's secret now:

Whenever one currency is weak and another is strong,
there's a chance for you to earn cash in just a couple
of hours!

All you need to do is follow a few simple instructions
to earn huge profits with this method.

And, with a proven accuracy rate of 80% to 90%, you
could easily triple your job income almost immediately,
once you learn a few basics concepts.

Take a look at all this cash!

It's outrageous!

83 trades: with 81 wins and only 2 losses.

YOU could do it too.

But the best thing about this strategy is, it takes
just a few minutes to trade each time, so you never
need to sacrifice precious hours flipping through
charts, studying financial news, or analyzing trends.

It's a purely mechanical trading system, which means
either there is a potentially profitable trade
occurring or there isn't.

There's no guesswork to earning profits. None.

Because the strategy revolves around what Toshko calls,
'evidence-based trading,' there either is a profitable
trade to take or there isn't. It's just THAT simple!

Just follow the simple step-by-step instructions as
Toshko's laid them out and do what the system tells

Results like these could be commonplace with this
system. . .

See his trades right here:

However . . .

Without proper guidance and knowledge, handing you a
system this powerful would be like handing the keys to
your Ferrari to a teenager.

And, that's why every person who takes advantage of
this rare opportunity will also spend six months
receiving personalized, one-on-one mentoring from this
world-class trading expert - A $10K value FREE!

To put the value of this offer into clear perspective,
it might interest you to know that Toshko regularly
charges upwards of $1,000 per hour to share his secret
trading strategies with banks and managers and wealthy

Let Toshko show you how to earn a fortune now.

And, he stands 100% behind his commitment to helping
you achieve your financial goals and become a wealthy
trader in the shortest time possible.

He's not some half-baked clown dreaming up systems in
his mother's basement.


So, just who is this guy anyway?

He's a world championship trader who won the
largest live trading challenge not one or twice, but
three times using his secret strategies.

During one of these events he generated a
massive 118.63% gain in a single month during live
trading action.

As I said earlier, he regularly gets paid
$1,000 per hour to consult to some of the wealthiest
traders and top hedge fund managers around the world.

He's also helped thousands of regular people
just like you learn how to trade successfully and
accomplish their financial goals.

He has more than 86,000 loyal fans on Facebook
he shares tips and insights with on a regular basis.

Click here to learn more about this millionaire trader:

And, since your time is also valuable, the last thing
you'd want to do is waste it on something that wasn't
proven to work exceptionally well.

That's why Toshko spent months developing, testing, and
proving this strategy could perform well for anyone -
even new traders.

Even trading a small account, taking only small,
ultra-conservative, low-risk trades, this system blows
anything else out of the water.

Go learn Toshko's secret now:

In the statement below for example, the trader got an
80.77%-win rate, which means for every ten trades he
took, he won eight and only lost two.

With a starting balance of just $600, he made a net
gain of 127.72%. And, he did it in less than one month!
You can see from this statement how easy it could be to
scale gains like this into huge profits month after

And it should be obvious to you after seeing this: the
popular notion that only experts could earn cash with
Forex is absurd.

Anyone - including you - could become wealthy in a very
short time with this system and Toshko's expert

However, if you want to get Toshko's secret strategy,
you don't have much time.

This is NOT a downloadable product. It gets shipped to
your door by first-class courier.


Now, that word is out it's likely within a few days at
most, this rare offer will be taken down.

Toshko is only one man and, he can only devote the time
needed to learn how to become rich, to a small number
of people.

Once the first 1000 people accept his exclusive
invitation, it will vanish into thin air forever.
Try it RISK-FREE for 60 Days.

Get Toshko's help and try out this simple yet powerful
system for 60 full days with no risk at all.

If after that time, you don't think it's worth every
penny, simply return it for a prompt, courteous refund.
You have absolutely ZERO to lose.

Don't miss out!

Discover how you could earn a six or seven-figure
income now:

All the best


P.S. With this simple, breakthrough trading method, you
could easily earn $1,379.00 or more per trade and
quickly turn that into a stable, secure monthly income
of $20,685.00 per month or more with this unique
money-making method. Don't miss your chance to become
wealthy now:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Text 2

SUBJECT LINE 1: Bam! $64,919.09 in less than 90 days flat!
SUBJECT LINE 2: Don’t settle for anything but rich!

"How To Feather Your Retirement Nest With Cash In Only
Minutes A Day… You Could Make $2,800.00 In 2 Hours &
422.7% Profit Per Month With No Specialized Finance

If you are looking for the answer to your financial
worries, the information contained in this email could
change everything from your bank balance… To your life.

Yesterday, I easily made $986.87 profits in 2 hours.

This is a real breakthrough… Today, I made another
$471.87. This is amazing!

See how 'regular people' like you are achieving results
like his $1,4578.74 in 24 hours, here:

What you are about to see is how you could take total
control of your money… And achieve true life-altering
wealth with very little effort and in only a few
minutes a day.

In fact, most of the people already using this
information have full-time jobs, and many are achieving
incredible results in almost no time at all…

"No B.S.! It really works!"

"I made myself $2800.00 USD… after 2 hours of plug in…
No BS! It really works!!!!!"

I am blown away with the results… I won 8 trades
($1,750.00 US income) with the tools.

What I'm talking about is no "get rich quick scheme."
Quite the contrary, in fact. If you are looking for a
million bucks in the next month, you won't find that

"Wow this is an Amazing Profitable System! I made $778
overnight… This is Awesome!!!"

What you will find, however, is a real, no-nonsense
approach to taking control of your financial life in a
way that few ever believe is possible…

It has nothing to do with stocks or options

It has nothing to do with binary trading

It is not automated or "robo" trading

It is not about bonds, bills, or commodities
In fact, you need no specialized financial training to
make profits, and the market is 100% liquid, open
nearly 24/7, and you can literally trade from anywhere
you have an internet connection, a computer, or a

It is completely legal, and practiced by every Central
Bank, large finance institution, and the biggest "money
movers" in the world…

Go here to see how "little guys" like us can exploit
the "money movers" market manipulations to make extra
profits with these incredible and easy-to-use methods:

And you will see today how you could catapult yourself
from regular guy to massively wealthy trader - even if
you have no education - even if you have never traded
anything a day in your life before.

"Absolutely brilliant! I traded on Friday's London
session with risk per trade of 3%... I am up 8.5% just
in one day"

Another winning jackpot today USDJPY pair in H1. Profit
USD900.00!!! in 3 hours.

How are all these people: from retirees on fixed
incomes to stay-at-home moms and busy full-time workers
creating profits like this so fast?

"Finally, A System For Building Wealth From Someone
Who's Been Right Where You Are Today And Understands
Exactly What You Need In Order To Succeed"

They are using the exclusive cash-generating methods of
one of the most successful professional traders on
earth, Toshko Raychev.

"This is for those of you who won't settle for being
anything but rich." - Toshko Raychev,
3-time World Trading Champion

What Toshko has developed made him very wealthy.

Before you ask: He was not a banker or a high-finance
type… He was a security guard down to his last few

And his desperation to dig himself out of the black
hole of debt may make you very wealthy too…

Watch the recorded LIVE TRADE below, to see how fast
and easily you could use Toshko's "dark money" methods
to exploit the markets for your own gain - legally,
fast - and for big profits…

Not only can you start using these methods fast… They
are so simple that you may not believe your own eyes…

"Straight away I took the buy trade. As per the system
rules, I managed to grab 550 pips from this trade."

"I have made 24 trades with 19 winners and 5 losers. In
total there are 350 USD of profit in two days. Great

Toshko makes trading the way you always hoped it would
be: Simple, mechanical, and profitable…

In fact there are only TWO types of trades, and one of
them never requires "higher time frame confirmation" so
you shave valuable seconds off your entry position to
make even more cash. Learn more about this on DVD 2:

These Trading Secrets - All Combined Into One Powerful
Proprietary Trading Method - Only Became Available To
The Public Today & Could Disappear In The Next Few Hours

In fact, there were only 1,000 total copies of the
physical DVDs and Top Secret Report produced and over
100,000 people have received this information in the
last hour alone.

It could already be too late… However, if you act
immediately, you still have a shot at training with the
one-on-one coaching of a trader so dedicated to helping
others that his students call him "Mr. Profit."

He puts you 'under the hood' of Ultimate Profit
Solution on his website so you can see for yourself how
this no-nonsense, realistic approach to controlling
your financial security and building wealth - even if
you are completely new to trading - is within your

Time to take total control over your money and your
life. Here's where you start:

All the best


P.S. This is the icing on the cake…

In about 14 trading days, Toshko made $64,919.00 in
pure profit… And he's going to show you exactly how you
could start making cash just like he does…

"I highly, highly recommend your systems to any trader
who wants to make real money trading. My father told me
that ''people who have real knowledge, make things easy
to improve others knowledge level''. This is what your
systems are about."

See the full verified trading statement here:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Email 2 send after Email 1 at 3pm Est Sharp!

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject 1: All hell’s breaking loose!
Subject 2: [Invite-Only] $64,919.09 in less than 90 days flat!

HTML Version 1 (Click image)
HTML Version 2 (Click Image)

Text 1

SUBJECT LINE 1: All hell’s breaking loose!
SUBJECT LINE 2: [Invite-Only] $64,919.09 in less than 90 days flat!

"This is an urgent and limited time invitation for a
few fiercely determined people who won't settle for
anything less than becoming filthy rich in the shortest
time possible"

Holy smokes! I've never seen anything like this before!

The entire Forex community has just been put on notice:

Toshko Raychev has released his exciting new secret
wealth-building strategy to the public.

And, judging by the uproar it caused when the doors
opened, it won't be around long!

In fact, I'm going to cut this short so you have a
chance to get all the details over on Toshko's page
before it's too late.

Here's the short version:

Toshko's discovered the wealth-building secret used by
the top 1% of rich traders and he's built a 100%
mechanical system to leverage its incredible power.

The kind of power that lets regular retail traders like
you and me gain an unfair advantage over the market and
level the playing field, so we can earn the kind of
cash the big players do!

This unique trading system eliminates virtually all the
guess work from trading.

It's produced average win rates of 80% to 90%, and
gains as high as 127.72% in less than one month!
Imagine being able to earn this kind of cash month
after month, year after year.

In one case, it produced a whopping $11,822.36 in just
two days.

Even if you could earn just 10% of that each time you
traded, you'd rake in a $17,733.45 in just your first
month alone!

Click here to see more shocking proof:


This offer is only being extended to those few rare
individuals who are willing to do whatever it takes to
achieve all their financial goals in the shortest time

If you're struggling to become wealthy, Toshko is going
to hand you the missing keys to the wealth-building
'puzzle' - the ones nobody's had the balls to tell you
about before - right now!

I'd love to tell you more but like I said, your chance
to grab a copy of this amazing cash machine may
disappear today.


It could be completely sold out later today.

Go check it out right now before it disappears:

All the best


P.S. We're talking about an easy way that you could
earn as much as $212,801.40 annually!

If that doesn't whet your appetite, stimulate your
greed gland and make you curious to find out what he's
got that you don't have, I don't know what will. See
easy cash being made in Live trades here:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Text 2

SUBJECT LINE 1: All hell’s breaking loose!
SUBJECT LINE 2: [Invite-Only] $64,919.09 in less than 90 days flat!

"How You Could Use The Secret That
Turned A Broke Security Guard Into
A 5-Figure Per Month Earner
And Make $64,919.00 In 2 Weeks"

Imagine how good it would it feel to be able to make a
six-figure income in just minutes per day, knowing you
were at the same time creating a massive nest egg so
that you could enjoy life no matter how good or bad the

One that doesn't require a second (or third!) job, a
ton of time or specialized finance education…

It could be yours with the $5.1 trillion market that is
open virtually 24/7 and that you could start trading
with as little as $100.00. Here's how it could make you
a whopping 422.7% per month profit…

Watch this video because if you act immediately, your
chance to secure profits like these is right around the

That is a trade that was recorded live, in real time,
to prove how fast anyone - including you - could start
profiting from the world's only 100% liquid market…

Which means you get in, get the cash, and get out,

He made $1,366.32 and more than doubled his money
See the full statement here:

And yes, you could even trade without needing to tab
through time frames, count waves - or follow a
complicated confirmation formula…

You could get in - get the cash - and get out with no
muss, no fuss…

And you could do it with the world's only 3-time
trading champion guiding you personally every step of
the way.

Last week, Forex's "Mr. Profit," Toshko Raychev, gave
the mother lode of trading tools and education away as

He even gave away his personal wealth equation:


If you caught the limited web series last week, you
know what that secret equation is… If you didn't, you
can find out all about it, Toshko's 6-month mentorship,
and Ultimate Profit Solution, right here:

For the first time ever, you have the chance to own
that secret and secure Toshko's personal coaching for

A Complete And Real Solution To Making Consistent, Big
Gains, Month After Month, Year After Year

See the complete system breakdown and over a dozen live
trades on this page:

Toshko doesn't want you to "get rich quick." In fact,
if that is what you are after, he's not interested.

Instead, he wants to show you how stay-at-home moms,
doctors, and retirees are already building "immortal
wealth," easily, and painlessly in just minutes a day…

"This is for those of you who won't settle for being
anything but rich." - Toshko Raychev,
3-time World Trading Champion

Toshko is the most no-nonsense trader you will ever run
across. He has no time for flashy stuff that wastes
your time because every second you are not in a trade,
you could be losing precious money…

So he designed his new Ultimate Profit Solution to
allow anyone - even someone who has never traded before
- to line up a trade with the trend and know with
certainty the likelihood for profits, fast.

How fast? This fast…

Another winning jackpot today USDJPY pair in H1. Profit
USD900.00!!! in 3 hours.

"I made myself $2,800.00 USD… after 2 hours of plug in…
No BS! It really works!!!!!"

"Wow this is an Amazing Profitable System! I made $778
overnight… This is Awesome!!!"

I am blown away with the results… I won 8 trades
($1,750.00 US income) with the tools.

Every one of those messages are from people just like
you… everyone from fry cooks to retired veterans are
already using Toshko's insanely profitable methods to
"get rich slowly…" And double or even triple their
money trade after trade…

- Toshko Raychev

Your new trading coach is waiting to hand you the keys
to your new 'no nonsense' profit solution, right here.

All the best


P.S. Get your own private key to the only "country
club" that could make your rich…

When you join Toshko's Ultimate Profit Solution, you
get the keys to his kingdom… A private members-only
trading club where he walks you through exactly how to
use every tip and trick he uses every day to build

So you can go from wherever you are right now
financially to someone who regularly says things like

"Absolutely brilliant! I traded on Friday's London
session with risk per trade of 3%... I am up 8.5% just
in one day"

You have the power to make that your reality. Toshko
has the tools. Time to suit up… Start here:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Day 2

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject 1: Shocking wealth blueprint revealed!
Subject 2: New to Forex?

HTML Version 1 (Click image)
HTML Version 2 (Click Image)

Text 1

Subject Line 1: Shocking wealth blueprint revealed!
Subject line 2: New to Forex?

"The under-the-radar wealth-building secret used by
billionaires that could help anyone go from broke and
desperate to filthy rich, fearless, and worry-free in
weeks, even if you never traded before"

In a minute, I'm going to share a foolproof strategy…
one so powerful it could make you wealthy this year…
and let you start making cash right away.

When expert trader Toshko Raychev opened the doors to
his new Ultimate Profit Solution yesterday, the entire
Forex community went nuts!

The last time I saw this much excitement over an FX
system it sold out completely in 24 hours.

Why all the excitement?

Imagine, being able to effortlessly earn as much as
$64,919.09 in as little as 90 days, in the comfort of
your own living room. Learn how here:

Sound impossible? Take a look at the trading statement
with $64,919.09 pure profit!

Click here to learn how he did it!

This is the same strategy used by some of the richest
men in the world to earn millions while other people
stood in bread lines hoping they wouldn't go hungry.

A secret that gives you the ability to secure your
financial future now, without fear or worry… Even when
world economies are crashing… big financial
institutions are stealing your money… and automation is
stealing your job.

This is like nothing you've ever seen before:

It's never been advertised anywhere else and, today may
be your only chance to get it.

All you need is a laptop and an internet connection.

And, if you've traded Forex before and struggled to
earn big profits, this will eliminate the five things
that have been holding you back.

Lack of time. With this unique money-making method, you
could earn cash in as little as 30 minutes, so it
doesn't need to suck up all your time with
chart-reading, or mastering something technically

It detects potentially profitable trades, so you don't
need to spend hours analyzing the market.

When you think of all the time you spend already
managing a full-time job and the rest of your life,
this one feature alone is priceless.

Watch how fast it makes cash in this Live trading

Lack of confidence. It eliminates 100% of the guesswork
from trading so your confidence will soar each time you
take a trade. You'll know precisely what to do with
every setup in all market conditions.

It's a purely mechanical trading system which means, it
uses 'evidence-based' analysis to determine whether
there is a potentially profitable trade to take. If
there is, it tells you what to do to earn cash. It's
that simple.

And because it is mechanical in nature, you should
expect to see the same results as everyone else. Same
system - same results.

This levels the playing field, allowing even new
traders to make the same kind of cash as the pros!
You could be making profits like these every day . . .

Lack of discipline. If you follow a few simple,
step-by-step instructions when this deadly accurate
system detects a profitable setup, you'll never have to
wrestle with the powerful emotions of fear or greed
that destroy some traders accounts.

Lack of proof. I'm going to show you undeniable proof
that anyone could earn a fortune with the Ultimate
Profit Solution. I'm talking about the ability to earn
as much as $21,639.09 per month in your spare time.

That's more than a quarter million in pure profit in
your first year alone.

Click here to watch more Live trades and see trade

Lack of trust.

Toshko Raychev, is a three-time world champion trader
with more than a decade of experience under his belt.
He's someone who big banks, wealthy traders and big
financial institutions pay handsomely to get him to
share his secret trading strategies.

He has more than 86,000 loyal fans on Facebook who hang
on his every word.

Click here to learn more about this 'Jedi' master trader:

He is arguably one of the most qualified Forex mentors
on the planet, and his reputation rests solely on his
ability to produce proven results that anyone could

He knows what you're going through right now…

More important than all that is the fact that he came
up from nothing like everyone else. He had no 'silver
spoon' to make things easy when he started out.

In fact, at one time he was a broke security guard
working two jobs to keep a roof over his head. So, he
knows exactly what it's like to struggle with a lack of
time, lack of confidence, lack of available mentorship,
and money, and he's never forgotten.

He understands how conflicting information, too much
information, and inaccurate information can make it
frustrating to learn how to trade profitably.

With this groundbreaking system, he's going to quickly
shatter all the lies, myths and misinformation about
trading so you can make the kind of cash you deserve in
a fraction of the time it took him to do it.

Find out how you could earn $1,000's per day in a
couple of hours:

If you've never traded before there's no need to worry. . .

Toshko's going to take you by the hand and walk you
step-by-step through the exact strategy he uses to earn
millions of dollars.

Every person who gets this groundbreaking money-making
system will also receive six months' personalized,
one-on-one training with master trader Toshko Raychev,
himself, at no extra charge!

Post your trades for him to personally critique so you
could blow past the learning curve and take your
trading performance - and your profits - to new and
exciting levels of achievement.

Attend live webinars where you'll learn advanced
strategies - ones he never shares with anyone outside
his exclusive mentoring group.

Get access to new tools and resources so you can
continue to make cash indefinitely, no matter what
changes occur in the market.

More on this exclusive mentoring program here:

If you've been desperately struggling to find a way to
earn cash, so you could:

- Pay off a growing mound of impossible debt that
has a stranglehold on your freedom and money.

- Pay for your son or daughter's college
education so they aren't burdened with it while
they're building a future for themselves.

- Quit your job early and enjoy a comfortable,
fulfilling lifestyle in your golden years, doing what
you want to do with peace of mind knowing money is
never an issue for you.

- Leave a legacy of wealth for your children and
grandchildren without fear about how they'll survive
what many are calling the 'coming financial

Get your copy of the Ultimate Profit System here:

This astonishingly simple money-making method has
everything you need to get started right away.


And, Toshko's so confident he can help you, he's
putting his money where his mouth is by offering you a
full, 60 days to examine his never before-seen
money-making method with zero risk!

You'll have access to the physical system and all the
materials you'll need to start making cash right away.

You'll have a chance to test it out in the privacy of
your home, and experience the thrill of making cash
before you decide whether it could work for you.

Get it now while copies are still available!

And, if you set up a demo account with any online
broker, you can try it without risking any real money
of your money of your own.

There's virtually no way you could lose!

However, I should warn you . . .

Thousands of people now know about this revolutionary
new method. And, only 1000 copies will ever be made

Once they're gone, Toshko's page will be shut down to
give him adequate time to help a few smart people who
recognize its money-making potential learn to get rich.

This is NOT an electronically downloadable product.

It's sent direct to your front door via courier.

There won't be any second chances or extended offers of
this exclusive money-making method.

Do not wait!

It could be gone tomorrow.

Click here to get the Ultimate Profit Solution now:

All the best


P.S. Want to acquire life-changing wealth,
effortlessly? You could use this powerful new strategy
to earn as much as $259,676.36 in your first year
alone! Go here to start earning the cash you deserve

P.P.S. Hurry! It could be gone tomorrow.

Click here to get it now:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Text 2

Subject Line 1: Shocking wealth blueprint revealed!
Subject line 2: New to Forex?

"Trade So Safely With This Secret That
You Could Turn $1,000.00 Into
$5,266.80 In About 2 Weeks
With Less Than 1% Loss"

This champion trader's success blueprint to $804.23 per
trade and $5,266.80 in 16 days is available for the

This is really big news. So big in fact that by the
time you are reading this, you could already have
missed it…

In all my years of trading (and it's a lot of years), I
have never seen someone give so much fantastic
information to people… The kind of information that
could make you rich.

See it for yourself, here:

If you've been searching for a safe way to earn big
profits from trading - like as much as $5,629.61 per
day - that safeguards your principle investment so that
you could limit your losses to less than 1%...

This is it. See the details, including the simple
5-step solution to limiting your losses while
skyrocketing your profits to as much as 432% a month

This incredible secret only became available to the
public about 24 hours ago, and you will only be able to
get it for a very limited time. If you are in a hurry
to start making those kinds of profits - go here right

I am going to show you the shocking truth about trading
the Forex market… And it is not what you think…

What would it mean to you to trade with the kind of
accuracy, and the certainty that you could not only
profit, but protect your investment that could make you
five figures a month?

What it would mean in this case is that in about two
weeks you could turn $1,000 investment into $5,320.00
and only lose $53.00 for a net profit of $5,266.80 …

Not only is it possible, people just like you have
already used some of his mechanical, easy and low-risk
conservative strategies to make thousands a day…

"I made myself $2800.00 USD… after 2 hours of plug in…
No BS! It really works!!!!!"

When was the last time you made $2,800.00 in two hours?

"Yesterday, I easily made $986.87 profits in 2 hours.
This is a real breakthrough… Today, I made another
$471.87. This is amazing!"

Or $1,458.74… Again, in only 2 hours?

"I decided to just place a GBPUSD sell order at
1.24578… The order closed at 1.24265 on 1 standard lot
making a profit of 296.25$ on a trade."

You need to go see his statements right now:

Over 16 days, this trader:

Took just 7 trades a day

With a 97.59% win rate

And $804.23 average per trade profit

For a massive 432%, $64,919.09 profit

And a TOTAL loss of only 0.34%

Yes, that's correct…

He made $65,142.79 and lost only $223.70.

How did he, and all those people making thousands in
just an hour or two a day, do it?

With the Top Secret professional trading strategies and
100% mechanical methods of the Ultimate Profit Solution.

Honestly, I can't think of a better name for something
that is making traders that kind of cash, that fast…

It's like going to bed with a Ford in the garage and
waking up to a Ferrari.

And the deep, dark secret that Wall St. doesn't want
you to know is that when you use tools like the
Ultimate Profit Solution to help you…

You could trade with the speed and accuracy of a
professional - and make the same kinds of 'big money'
profits - easily.

How easily? This easily…

That's real, live trades recorded by 3-time world
champion trader, and the guy who could be your new
profitability coach, Toshko Raychev.

Now, if Toshko was the only one making gains like
these, that would be one thing… But like I showed you,
people from all over the world - people just like you -
are matching and even beating his results…

"I'm a newbie in the forex market, but you made a
system that it's so simple to follow anyone with a
brain can do this. I'm a stay at home mom caring for my
new born. My husband does not believe you can really
make money in the forex market, but yesterday that all
changed when I showed him my account made $778
overnight... This is Awesome!!!"

And get this… She wasn't even using the whole system
yet… Just one of the amazing tools Toshko shares.

The importance of this cannot be overstated: No matter
how much you make, the only way you get truly rich is
by not losing it…

Toshko Raychev is dedicated to helping you make
consistent realistic gains that you can repeat day
after day, week after week, year after year…

And limit your losses so that you continue to maintain
and build wealth.

Whatever your personal financial goals, trading Forex
with Toshko Raychev and his Ultimate Profit Solution
could get you there with less risk and far more profit
- fast.

Find out how fast for yourself. You can 'test drive'
this Forex Ferrari for up to 60 days, right here:

All the best


P.S. Toshko is so sure of his methods, not only does he
offer you his full faith with a 60-day refund, he also
gives you an easy "two-pay option" that allows you to
gain all the benefits of membership in his exclusive
"cloud based trading club" for less up front money.

This is one club that it could pay you to join!

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Day 3

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject 1: I was guilty of these mistakes!
Subject 2: Exposing Wall St's. "Fake News," now!

HTML Version 1 (Click image)
HTML Version 2 (Click Image)

Text 1

Subject line 1: I was guilty of these mistakes!
Subject line 2: Exposing Wall St's. "Fake News," now!

"How To Solve The 5 Biggest Problems That Are Keeping
You From Becoming Wealthy Immediately And Get Rich"

It's interesting how simple these 5 things are to
overcome, yet few people ever do. Which is why so few
people ever get rich.

Today you can learn what these 5 barriers to becoming
rich are and how to squish them like a bug so you can
start making the kind of cash you have always wanted

Not only that, you will also see how regular people,
just like you and me, are using a unique new approach
to generating wealth to pull in cash immediately.

Go see how to start making the most money of your
entire life and do it quickly right here:

If you have the next 40 years to let traditional
investments mature and create a nest egg that you can
retire on, that's great.

Most of us don't have that kind of time. We need to see
growth that far outpaces that, and we need it now.

If you are like me, the clock is ticking and the time
you would like to be able to retire is fast approaching
like a runaway freight train. It seems the older I get
the faster that clock runs.

Yet, if you are like most people, you may not have
nearly enough saved to retire on.

Today you can see something that could allow you to
feather that nest egg with cash like never before and
at the same time earn you a solid six-figure income
that you could start living on today.

This could have you retired THIS YEAR with more cash
than you know what to do with:

If I told you how much cash this is making people, you
may not believe it.

So instead, you should go have a look for yourself.
Because until you see the actual income statements, the
numbers just seem too good to be true.

You will also want to see exactly how all this cash is
bein made.

Which is why you need to go to this page and have a
look right now:

This is NOT an annual statement, or even a month. All
this was just made in a matter of days:

Go here to see actual income statements and watch this
brand new profit producing strategy in action making
mountains of cash right here:

This is the same secret some of the world's richest
people depend on to see gains that pale everything else
I know of.

It is why they are getting rich while most people are
just scraping by.

However, today you can remove the roadblocks that are
standing between you and making the kind of money you
have always dreamed of making.

It's really far easier than most people think. In fact,
it's the simplicity of this whole thing that makes it
so profitable and low risk.

Unconventional yes, but it is also proven to work like
gangbusters. Numbers just don't lie and the numbers
this has been producing are off the charts:

This flies in the face of all the latest fads in
investing where people are actually trusting their
entire financial future to artificial intelligence and
the newest wave of trading robots.

You know why the trading robot fad was so short-lived?

Because they burned through people's savings like a
teenager at the mall with your gold card.

I'm not saying that technology can't make trading and
investing easier. It does. It's just not a good idea to
blindly trust it with your money.

Which is why you need to look at something that is 100%
mechanical. Where you make all the decisions about
whether or not to enter a trade based on the most rock
solid information you will find anywhere.

It doesn't make trading any more difficult or time
consuming. In fact, it takes just minutes a day to make
monthly profits that most people would love to see

It is actually one of the simplest and least
time-consuming methods to trade I have ever used.

But it is NOT in any way automated trading. You are
100% in control at all times.

Watch how easy trading like the sharks who make
millions can really be here:

This is important…

Before you do anything else you need to address the
five problems I mentioned in the beginning of this

Because unless you overcome those 5 hurdles, no system,
method, or anything else is going to make you rich.

Unless you address these and change how you think about
your trading or investing, you are putting yourself at
a huge disadvantage.

"How To Easily Remove These 5 Roadblocks To Becoming
Wealthy And Get Mega-Rich In The Next 6 Months Or Less"

All the best


P.S. Here's the results from just two days trading with
this new method…

Go see how easy making cash is when you have the right
information at the right time:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Text 2

Subject line 1: I was guilty of these mistakes!
Subject line 2: Exposing Wall St's. "Fake News," now!

"The Only Market In The World That Builds Wealth
Whether The Markets Are Up Or Down: How To Exploit The
Edge The Wealthy Use To Get And Stay Rich"

(And 93% of people have never heard of it)

Since the mid-1990s a small group of investors have
made use of a specific niche in the finance markets to
make millions… and yes, even billions of dollars.

Regular people just like you and me have made explosive
returns of 212% a month, and as much as 432% in about
two weeks in that same market…

One trader way up in Western Canada has even made over
1,300%... in about 45 days…

Most people find these results incredible, and they
are… However, fewer than 1 in 100,000 people have
invested in this lucrative market… and even fewer know
about it… Why?

Because it's not trading stocks, options, bonds, or

Look, you've been lied to.

Unless you are part of the top 1% of the richest people
on the planet, recent events have almost gutted your
ability to secure control of your money, and grow it so
that it will be there when you need it…

Notice I said "almost," because there is a small and
growing group of investors - people just like you - who
have learned to gain control of their money and grow it
into small fortunes…

In a market that only a handful of "regular people"
like you and me even know exists:

It does exist, and mints brand new millionaires every
single day…

Have a look for yourself…

And the beauty part is that you could exploit this
market to get rich, even when every other market
'bubble' bursts

That means if you follow this simple mechanical trading
blueprint available for the first time ever, you can
look forward to:

Consistent returns in bear or bull markets

Putting cash in your account no matter the
condition of any other market

Sudden big market swings - what professionals
call "volatility" - doesn't harm your earnings, it
helps them

And weekly and monthly returns in the three and
four-figure range… often in just minutes

This is no "get-rich-quick" fantasy
It is a solid, $5.1 trillion global market that anyone
with a computer, an internet connection, and the right
information could start trading with as little as $50 -

And build as fast as this…

$2,800.00 in under 3 hours
$900.00 overnight
$1,750.00 in 2 hours
$1,457.00 in 48 hours

Those are not profits made by 'professional' traders,
in fact some of those people had not taken a trade
before in their lives…

Yet they all reported making more cash in a few hours
than most people make in a week or more using the
trading techniques that you could get for the first
time, right now.

Here's where to gain access to this exclusive
"Cloud-based Trading Club."

And you won't have to wait around for years to cash-in
and use the money you've earned either, because it's
100% liquid, so you can take your earnings out nearly

For the first time ever, the super star trader who has
helped over 86,000 people learn about trading this
market better for big money has unleashed his Ultimate
Profit Solution to the world.

See how fast you could be up and running, making big
money returns as a member of Toshko Raychev's "Boot
Camp" squad, here:

The truth is that the "tried and true" old ways of
investing don't work anymore.

All those stories about record market highs are a bunch
of B.S… "fake news" designed to keep you thinking
everything is O.K while the Fat Cats keep lining their
pockets with your money…

If you are in the top 1%, things are fantastic…
However, if you are a "regular person" who wants to
build the kind of wealth that lasts for generations,
trading the Forex market is one of the fastest and most
consistently profitable ways to join the ranks of the
truly wealthy.

When you can confidently "secure control of your
money," you could maintain and grow your wealth - fast
- for retirement, or even so you could hand your boss a
pink slip and forget about "working" another day in
your life.

Go check it out yourself - Toshko has laid out his
complete strategy - that could put you 'in the money'
fast - right here:

All the best


P.S. I hope you aren't already too late to get in.

Yesterday, when Toshko opened the doors to his new
training, so many people flooded his website to get in
that the whole thing crashed! Luckily for you that
means there may still be some copies of this remarkable
path to wealth available.

It's not some chintzy download, you see. It's is a full
DVD set, Top Secret report and Manual, a full private
"Cloud-based trading club" where you will be mentored
one on one by the 3-time world trading champion

Hurry and see if you can still squeeze in, right here:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

*NB: Send Friday's email to unopends on Saturday*

Day 4

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject 1: Evidence-based market analysis!
Subject 2: [NEW] Hottest system in FX almost sold out!

HTML Version 1 (Click image)
HTML Version 2 (Click Image)

Text 1

Subject line 1: Evidence-based market analysis!
Subject line 2: [NEW] Hottest system in FX almost sold out!

"Exposed: How To Exploit A Little Known Secret And
Siphon Off A Fortune From The Undercover Moves Made By
The Biggest Banks In The World"

You are about to see how you could make more money in
two days' time than most people make in 2 months using
something new called evidence based analysis…

A bold claim I know but the evidence is undeniable
because people are doing exactly that…

Go see exactly how traders are able to make all that
cash here:

Most people find it hard to grasp that regular folks
like you and me can make that kind of cash in that
little time.

We've been told all our lives that we must work hard at
a job and that it takes years of saving to become

To that I say hogwash.

You can make vast sums of money in a short amount of
time when you have the right knowledge of how to do so.
Learn how here:

That is proven by the fact that people do it every day…

Real, verifiable income statements which you can see in
their entirety right here:

It's making trades like the one below one after another…

You can see many live trade videos that show you how
easily this new method is making all that cash right

How does it produce such consistently profitable

One of the best traders on the planet, someone who has
made himself a fortune trading, has created a simple
and highly profitable method of seeing exactly where
the market is going with astonishing accuracy. It uses
something he calls evidence-based analysis, and it is
the most accurate form of trading I have ever seen.

How accurate is it?

It has been proven to have a win rate of between 87.0%
and 97.3%.

Because of the accuracy of this system, you are able to
see the trends created by the big moves of the major
banks the second they begin. And we know that getting
in at the beginning of a major trend is how you make
massively profitable trades.

You can then ride that trend and potentially put
thousands of dollars straight into your account.

This system zeros in on these profitable trends like a
hawk stalking its prey:

And because it is so simple to both learn and trade,
it's working fantastically right out of the gate for
people who are brand new to trading…

A rookie trader named Brad just reported that he
made $542.86 on his very first two trades using the

Unless you are placing trades that make you cash 87% to
97% of the time… You need to go look at this brilliant
new method now:

All the best


P.S. Don't wait another minute to check this out, you
could be making more cash than you ever dreamed and do
it faster than you ever thought possible. Others are so
why not you?

Go see the most powerful method of trading ever created

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Text 2

Subject line 1: Evidence-based market analysis!
Subject line 2: [NEW] Hottest system in FX almost sold out!

"The 100% mechanical trading system that uses the power
of evidence-based analysis and one that could help you
earn as much as $60K per month could be gone in just a
few days…Do you have your copy?"

Toshko Raychev's Ultimate Profit Solution is flying off
the shelves Almost half the available copies have
disappeared after just two days!

And, with the proven ability to let you earn $64,919.09
per month or more it's really no wonder why.

If you don't have a copy yet, you'd better run!

Here's five other reasons why it's so insanely popular . . .

Toshko created it to utilize what law enforcement
officials and scientists call, 'evidence-based
analysis' to determine whether a setup has the
potential to earn you cash!

No guesswork is involved.

Either there is a valid trade occurring or there isn't.

Simple. It's like having an expert advisor point the
way straight to the cash immediately so there's no time
wasted flipping through charts or analyzing the market.

With this powerful system, you simply lay in wait like
a military sniper, waiting for BIG cash setups to
occur, and follow a few simple instructions to confirm
and take the trade. There's almost no effort required
to earn cash!

Watch how easy it is to do in this Live trade

Pretty incredible isn't it?

If you could earn cash like this every day, you could
be sitting on a potential five-figure monthly income
trading just one or two hours per day.

Which means, you could eaily do it in your spare time,
without having to sacrifice time you need to work at
your job and manage the rest of your life.

You may even decide to quit your dull, boring job and
spend the rest of your day playing golf with your
buddies instead!

So easy to use a child could do it.

The seven deadly accurate custom indicators that tell
you precisely whether a potentially profitable trade is
occuring are super-easy to read. It takes less than one
minute to confirm them, which means you'll get into
trades faster and earlier where all the big cash is
waiting for you to sccop up!

Learn how these powerful indicators could make you rich!

It may look complicated but I can assure you. It's
anything but that.

Once you understand the simple criteria for taking
trades it takes only seconds to confirm a ht trade is

There's no second-guessing the trend direction so
you're always trading on the right side of the trend
where the easy money is waiting for you to make!

And, if you think only pros could earn five figures per
month trading it, just take a look at his page!

Find out how he did it here:

Now, think about that. . .

If a complete newbie could pull it off, you could
easily earn $10K in your first month with this
incredible new trading method.

That's a $120,000.00 in your first year alone!

But… and this is important… copies of this new system
are flying off the shelf.

This is NOT an electronic download. It's a stand-alone,
physical product shipped to your door via express

Only 1000 copies have been produced.

Almost half are gone after just two days on the market!

If you don't run over to Toshko's page right now, you
could miss out.

There's zero risk to try it out for 60 days.

If it doesn't make you more cash than you've ever made
in your life, or for ANY reason you're not 100%
satisfied, just pack it up and sent it back for a
complete refund.

Don't wait!

Get Toshko Raychev's hot new Ultimate Profit System

All the best


P.S. Want to put an extra $120,000.00 in your trading
account this year? Find out how easy it is to do with
Toshko's new 'Ultimate Profit Solution'. Get your copy
now before it vanishes:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Day 5

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject 1: Is it working?
Subject 2: Newbie earns $727.86 his first day!

HTML Version 1 (Click image)
HTML Version 2 (Click Image)

Text 1

Subject line 1: Is it working?
Subject line 2: Newbie earns $727.86 his first day!

"If you aren't currently making five figures a month
trading than you will want to see this right now"

Explosive new cash creation system is blowing the lid
off conventional thinking about trading.

And it is making people thousands of dollars per day
and even five figures in just a few of days.

People who have not ever traded before and those who
have only lost in the past are seeing a massive influx
of cash into their accounts on their very first trades.

This brand new trader scored all this cash on the very
first 3 trades he placed using this awesome new method
on the first day he had ever used it: $310.80, $232.00
and $224.52.

Others are seeing even bigger gains…

$993.00 in one quick trade, $1,875.00 in another,
$3,101.03 in another.

You haven't ever seen anything like it. At least I know
I haven't.

Go check this out now, it will be the best few minutes
you spend on anything today:

All the best


P.S. If your current method of trading is not working
and you are not making cash most every time you trade,
this may be the solution to all your problems.

Take 2 minutes now and have a look at this:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Text 2

Subject line 1: Is it working?
Subject line 2: Newbie earns $727.86 his first day!

"New trader makes $542.86 cash in one day and becomes
instant fan using this new EBA trading method"

If you think earning any real money with Forex is
something only pros can do, think again!

Brad was a confirmed skeptic. Someone who had tried
many times to make more money and failed with
everything from multi-level marketing to Binary

However, when he heard about Toshko Raychev's new
Ultimate Profit Solution, he decided to give his dreams
of achieving his financial goals one more try.

The results?

Learn how he did it here:

If he stays on track following a few simple
instructions Toshko's laid out for taking trades, he's
well on his way to earning $10,857.20 per month.

Imagine having that much extra cash to do whatever you
like with!

It's no joke. This system was used to earn as much as
$13,949.96 in less than three days!

And because it uses something called 'evidence-based
analysis' or EBA, to locate and confirm profitable
setups in the market, you could easily win up to 97% of
your trades!

EBA is a scientific method of analyzing the market to
determine which setups are potentially-profitable. The
same one used by investigators and scientists to solve
crime and prove theories.

It removes all the guesswork from trading, so your
confidence will soar each time you enter a trade!

It's simple: Either there is a trade or there isn't.

With Ultimate Profit Solution, there's such a high
degree of certainty that nothing else even comes close
to finding you cash… A LOT of cash.

You don't need to be a pro to earn cash.

Because it's a purely mechanical system, every person
who uses it should expect to see similar results.

It's super-easy to do!

It took Brad only a couple of hours to earn his first
cash trading UPS. You just follow the simple,
step-by-step instructions Toshko's laid out and enter
the trade.

It's like having an expert advisor looking over your
shoulder each time, telling you precisely what to do.
Find out how easy it is to earn cash here:

And, because you're following a set of pre-defined
instructions, all the stress, worry, fear and greed -
the emotions that typically cause traders to lose money
- are eliminated from the equation.

Rock-solid trade confirmation.

Most experts will tell you, you need at least three or
four indicators to help you confirm a profitable setup.
With Toshko's UPS, you get seven!

This gives you the confidence you need to enter
potentially profitable trades or, to stay out of losing
ones, so your cash is always safe.

Imagine being able to earn an extra $500 to $1,000
whenever you need money. And, do it in less than two
hours most times.

And, Toshko's a guy I wouldn't bet against! Learn about
him here:

He's a three-time world champion trader and someone
who's helped thousands of people learn to trade over
the course of his ten-year career.

If he say's a system works it bloody-well does!

And if newbie's like Brad are any indication, UPS could
be poised to change the way people become wealthy

However, I should warn you . . .

In just a few days UPS could disappear.

Toshko only made up 1000 copies and, already almost
half have been snapped up by people who see the
astonishing potential of this proven, powerful trading

If you want to get one, you'd better get over to
Toshko's page right now and discover for yourself why
it's caused so much excitement in the Forex community.

It could be your last chance to get one.

There's no need to worry about your investment either.

Toshko's so confident he can help you learn to become
wealthy with UPS, he's offered a 60-day trial with
absolutely no risk!

Take two full months to put it through every trade
setup in all market conditions to decide for yourself
whether it delivers the cash.

If it doesn't, simply return it for a prompt refund.
Don't miss out! It could be gone in a few days!

Want to get rich? Filthy rich?

Grab your copy of Toshko's Ultimate Profit Solution

All the best


P.S. What would YOU do with an extra $10,857.20 per
month? Hurry!  It could be gone in just a few days! Get
your copy of UPS now.

P.P.S. Everybody who buys Toshko's Ultimate Profit
Solution will spend six month's learning every trick,
tips and advanced strategy Toshko uses to earn a
fortune It's a million-dollar Forex education you won't
find anywhere else!

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Day 6

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject 1: A stupid question!
Subject 2: Earn a realistic $1,219.00 per day?

HTML Version 1 (Click image)
HTML Version 2 (Click Image)

Text 1

Subject line 1: A stupid question!
Subject line 2: Earn a realistic $1,219.00 per day?

"The 64,000.00-dollar question is could
YOU use an extra $64,000.00 this year?"

This trader didn't make $64,000.00 in a year with this
lucrative new method of trading though…

He made that in just one month.

So the big question is would you like to see exactly
how he did it so you can do the same?

Thought you might. Learn more here:

All the best


P.S. You can also see how when trading very
conservatively and low risk he was able to more than
double a small account as well. Also in one month. When
was the last time you doubled your account in a month?
100% plus monthly gains are now easily attainable
thanks to this:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Text 2

Subject line 1: A stupid question!
Subject line 2: Earn a realistic $1,219.00 per day?

"A simple, proven money-making strategy anyone could
use to earn a realistic $1,219.00 or more per day with
just a tiny investment"

Before I began trading Forex I laid awake at night
worrying about money, bills, and the future like you
likely do.

The idea of risking money I didn't have, on something I
wasn't sure would work, was frightening to say the

If this sounds like you, please keep reading. In a
moment, I'm going to share a simple, proven method you
could use to eliminate all your money problems.

One you could use to earn cash like this every day…

That's a potential $24,380 monthly income…more money
than most people would ever know what to do with. Find
out how here:

Want to know the secret?

It's what's between your ears… More on this in a

The problem is not the strategy. It works!

The method I'm talking about is proven to work for
anybody - regardless of skill level or special

It requires less than two hours per day to do so you
could earn cash in your spare time. And, you could
start with as little as $100.

The problem my friend, is believing it could work for

That's what one new trader discovered when he took a
leap of faith and gave it a try. On his first two
trades, he earned $727.86 in two days.

Incredible, isn't it?

This powerful money-making method gives you everything
you need to earn cash without having to learn anything
complicated. You simply follow a few step-by-step
instructions. The rest is done for you.

If this new trader continues to follow this foolproof
method, he's on track to earning a $10,917.90 monthly

Find out how you could do it here:

The hardest part was believing he could do it.

For most of us, we've been conditioned to believe that
earning cash like this is something reserved for only a
very few lucky people.

The reality is, anyone could do this. Heck, my barber
could do it and he's not the sharpest knife in the

Look, I don't blame you for being skeptical. I was too.

However, there are piles of live trades and trade
statements from others right here on this page that
prove beyond any doubt it is possible.

The only thing you need to decide really, is whether
you're going to do nothing or do something, right away.

One things for certain: If you do nothing and delete
this email, you'll still be stuck worrying about money.

You can get started earning cash like this right here:

Here's the thing . . .

You may only have a few days left to decide because
almost half the available copies of this incredible
cash machine have already been sold.

When the remaining few are snapped up, your shot at
this kind of cash will disappear forever.

If you're fed up lying awake at night worrying about
money, and dreaming about it instead of making it, you
need this system.

It comes with a 60 day no risk trial. And, the expert
who created it is providing six months of mentoring for
no extra charge.

It's hard to see how you could fail.

Do something about YOUR money worries today!

All the best


P.S. You're only minutes away from discovering how you
could enjoy a $10,917.90 monthly income. Don't let this
pass you by. You could have the easy life now instead
of later. Click here to get started right away:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Day 7

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject Line: Look, You don't have time for B.S.

HTML Version (Click image)


Subject line: Look, You don't have time for B.S.

"The Fastest & Easiest Answer To Your Financial Worries
Could Have Already Made You $772.00 - $2,800.00 This

Look, there's one reason you subscribe to my list…

You want to - even need to - make a lot of money as
quickly and painlessly as possible.

Sure, you have your reasons, and what it boils down to
is that money may not get you happiness, but having a
lot more of it sure feels pretty dang good…
If you've ever found an extra $20 in your coat pocket,
you have a tiny idea of how great it feels to watch
thousands flood your account with nearly no effort and
very little time.
You can see exactly how you could make $3,101.00 in a
single trade, on video, here:

Now, I'm not going to yank your chain… If you've been
with me for long at all, you know I value straight talk
about creating lasting wealth and PROOF that any method
works above any crazy claims.
So, when I tell you Toshko Raychev is ready, willing,
and most importantly able to help you achieve your
financial goals, you know he's provided mountains of
proof to back it up.

Have a look at his statement! In 16 trading days,
Toshko's suite of easy to use tools made him
$64,919.09, and he only lost $970.15…

That's a huge 6,691% profit to loss and his win rate
was 97%

And the great news for you is that because Toshko's
system is fully mechanical, if you follow the handful
of steps he shows you, you should see similar results.
It is true that Toshko makes his living exclusively as
a trader, and whether you make the same kind of returns
depends on only one thing…
Trading with the same tools and method. Go here to
learn how:

So you have to ask yourself, how badly do you want… No,
need to… feel that good, that confident in your ability
to create wealth, and repeat it at will?
You could start feeling a lot better about yourself -
fast - with Toshko's help.

See what he's cooked up that is already making complete
newbies thousands in extra cash with almost no time or
effort, here:

All the best


P.S. Real people, not professionals or hired guns, are
repeating Toshko's results, fast…
"I made myself $2,800.00 USD… after 2 hours of plug in…
No BS! It really works!"

Yesterday, I easily made $986.87 in 2 hours. This is a
real breakthrough… Today, I made another $471.87.

You need to hurry, though. This new exclusive trading
club has only been taking members for a week and over
half the places are already gone.
See how they are doing it, here… Hurry!

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Day 8

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject Line: This strategy could skyrocket your cash!

HTML Version (Click image)


SUBJECT LINE: This strategy could skyrocket your cash!

"If you lack time and money this simple strategy could
help skyrocket your cash to six figures in less than
six months without having to give up your job"

Because I know you don't have much time, I'll make this

In fact, that's why I'm writing you today…

Lack of time and money are most people's demons and you
fight a constant battle with both, am I right?

Between a 40 to 60 hour per week job, soccer practice,
and an endless stream of errands you run to manage your
hectic life, there isn't much left.

Still, you lay awake at night dreaming of a chance to
give it all up so you could live the life you really
want. To spend time doing things you love with people
you love instead of battling traffic and the wolf at
the door.

What if there was a way to double, triple, or even
quadruple your job salary without devoting endless
hours to it?

There is a way . . .

Expert trader Toshko Raychev has discovered a strategy
that could let anyone siphon off thousands from the
FOREX market, and do it in as little 30 minutes each
day. Learn more about it here:

And, when he released it to the public just a few days
ago, it created so much excitement almost half the
existing copies disappeared almost overnight!

I'm talking about earning $993 or more per day and
doing it in less time than it takes you to make dinner.

Sound like B.S.? Watch his video here . . .

That's a very doable five-figure monthly income that
you could use to make some serious life-style changes.

- It requires two hours or less to do so making
cash won't interfere with your busy life, your job,
your family time or things you like to do

- It's something you could learn in just a few
hours so you could earn cash right away. Just set it up
and follow a few simple instructions.

- There's no special skills or knowledge required
to do it, so you don't have to spend time and extra
money learning something complicated.

- It has a +80% success rate so you could win as
much as eight trades out of ten whenever you want to
earn money.

- Earn cash any time of the day or night -
there's always a session open that suits your
lifestyle, so you're not restricted by other

- It eliminates all the guesswork from trading,
so your confidence will soar each time you take trade.
Just follow a few simple, step-by-step instructions and
the rest is done for you.

- Your cash is isn't tied up because you take it
right away, so it's always in your account where you
can get at it when you need it.

- It comes with a 60 day no risk trial so you can
experience the thrill of making cash for yourself
before you decide to make a commitment.

- It comes with six months expert mentoring from
someone who is arguably the top trading expert on the
planet, at no extra charge.

Find out more about all the exciting benefits here:

If you want it, you'd better run over to Toshko's page
right now because copies of this incredible
money-making method are disappearing at a staggering

There's less than half left and when they're all gone,
he's taking the page down!

If you're fed up with trading your time for money and
struggling to survive, this is the fastest, easiest way
I know to leave the nine to five rat race behind you

If it doesn't help you make more cash in the next 60
days, just return it and he'll give you every penny

Purchase you copy now or get left behind!

All the best


P.S. You're about to discover an exciting new way to
earn as much as $19,860 per month in less than two
hours per day. Don't wait to grab your copy of Toshko
Raychev's Ultimate Profit Solution!

Everything you need to start earning cash is right

P.P.S. THIS JUST IN! I just got word that Toshko's
first "Boot Camp" for new & struggling traders is this
Friday at 10 AM EST.

It's a members-only event and the first of a series of
foundation-building sessions designed to get you
started on the right foot. Here's where you can still
get in if you hurry:


Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Day 9

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject Line: Millions hiding in plain sight!

HTML Version (Click image)


SUBJECT LINE: Millions hiding in plain sight!

"The World's #1 Investment Strategy Lets You Earn Cash
Whether The Market Goes Up or Down. . . And 98% Who
Want To Become Wealthy Don't Have a Clue"

In a moment, I'm going to share an exciting new
investment strategy with you that 98% of people who
want to become wealthy haven't heard of.

Over the past few decades, a small group of people have
made millions with it and so could you.

You only need a small investment of $100 to get started
and it requires no special education or training to do.

And, unlike other investment types, it lets you profit
from uncertainty and volatility in the market, so it's
a perfect strategy for today's roller coaster economy.

Plus, it's the most liquid market in the world and you
take cash out right away so your money isn't tied up.

I'm talking about the +5 trillion-dollar a day currency
exchange market. Learn more about Forex here:

You see, every time countries purchase goods and
services from each other, money must be exchanged from
one currency to another.

With FOREX, you could easily siphon off hundreds of
thousands of dollars by buying and selling currencies.

It may sound complicated, however, it's so easy anyone
regardless of skill level could learn how to do it in
just a couple of hours.

And, with this incredible new Forex system, you could
easily double or triple your job income in just a few

See how much cash you could earn.

Watch his simple Live trade demonstration:

$993 in just one trade. If that's all you did, you'd be
enjoying a very comfortable $3,972.00 per month,
trading just a couple of hours per day.

And, that's just a fraction of what you could
accomplish once you get going!

I'm talking about life-changing cash. The kind that
could let you enjoy the lifestyle you've always wanted.
The kind of cash most people only dream about!

And, if you follow a few simple instructions, your risk
is minimal. That's because it protects your account and
prevents you from getting into trades that aren't

Learn more about how it reduces your risk here:

Toshko Raychev is a world-renowned expert trader and
arguably one of the most qualified mentors around.

He's dedicated his life to helping people just like you
become wealthy. You'll get a chance to acquire all his
knowledge… Every tip trick and secret he's learned over
his ten year-long career, for no extra charge!

Learn more about the expert here:

Join his exclusive mentoring program and attend live
webinars where you'll get a chance to learn new
strategies to help you become even more profitable.

Post your trades for him to analyze and get valuable
tips on how to make rapid improvements.

And, with 24/7 support you'll never have a question
about the system or making money with Forex go

Think of it as a million-dollar education right at your
fingertips 24 hours per day, seven days a week.

I should warn you, however. . .

This exciting new system has only been available for
one week and already nearly half the very limited
number of copies are gone!

This is the most-anticipated release of a Forex system
I've ever seen and people are snapping it up quickly.
If you don't get over to Toshko's page now, you could
miss it!

If what you're doing right now isn't providing you with
the lifestyle you want, this is the fastest and easiest
way for average people with a tiny investment to
achieve all their financial goals.

And it comes with a 60-day zero-risk trial so you can
start earning some cash now before you decide if it's
right for you. If it doesn't help you earn more cash
just return it for a prompt, courteous refund.

If you want to take advantage, you need to jump onboard


It could be gone tomorrow. Go here to get started right

All the best


P.S. Need more proof this could make you rich? In just
two days this system generated a whopping $11,822.36.
Find out how easily you could start earning cash like
this here:

P.P.S. I just got word that Toshko's first "Boot Camp"
for new & struggling traders is coming up in just days…

It's a members-only event and the first in a series of
basic training modules designed to help you get started
on the right foot! Here's where you can still get in
if you hurry:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Day 10

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject Line: Impossible?

HTML Version (Click image)


SUB: Impossible?

"Most people would think it impossible to make this
much money in so little time and with so few losers…
but numbers don't lie"

You are about to see a proven method for creating
massive wealth in a very short amount of time.

However, before I show you this I have to ask you to,
at least for the next few minutes, suspend your
disbelief about what is possible.

Because the numbers you are about to see are so
off-the-charts good, that it's hard to wrap your head
around them until you see how all this cash was made.

I will tell you that this is something you, or anyone,
could do. The risk is low and the potential payoff is
huge so you will want to look at it closely.

These are the kinds of numbers I am talking about…

In just 16 days, he made $64,919.99 and lost only one

His one loser was just $223.70. See how he did it here:

Now I understand if you are skeptical, who wouldn't be
seeing returns like that. And in all fairness, he
started that account with $15,000.00. Not all of us
have that kind of cash to trade with.

Which is why…

Just to show you that it works just as well he also
traded a small account, traded it very conservatively,
and with small lots.

And he more than doubled it also in less than a month.

See the actual account statement for both right here:

People who just started trading it are seeing big
profitable trades their first day with the system, this
is an actual post from the members' area…

Another brand-new trader reported making nearly $800.00
on his very first 4 trades.

Soon you too could be seeing highly profitable trades
filling your account with cash. All you need is the
cutting-edge system these people are using to make
trading both highly profitable and super simple.

Get Toshko's system and start earning cash immediately
right here:

Look, if you are not making the kind of cash trading
you hoped you would, you should give this a shot. There
is zero risk to try it. Trade it for 60 days and then
decide if it's right for you.

If you aren't making more than you ever have, or just
don't like it for any reason, than you won't pay a
penny for it.

Take it for a zero risk 60-day trial run here:

You will need to do so soon however. Because Toshko is
just about to close the doors on this and it may not be
offered to the public ever again.

Toshko has produced some good systems in the past and
once he took them off the market they were not ever
offered anywhere at any price ever again.

And this is the absolute best system I have ever seen.
It's 100% mechanical, simple to trade and as you have
seen, extremely profitable.

If you want to learn how to easily double your account
every single month than you need the one trading system
that is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to do that.

It gets even better though…

If you get this now you will also get one of the most
sought after trading systems of all time at zero cost.

This system hasn't ever been and won't ever be for sale
anywhere at any price. It is the system Toshko used the
first time he won the largest and most prestigious
independent trading competition in the world where he
brought in a staggering 651.5% return in just ONE WEEK.

Only a few people have ever even seen this incredible
system and today you can have it at zero cost…

Learn how here:

Plus, Toshko will personally teach you how to squeeze
every pip and every dollar possible out of these
pro-level systems.

This is the absolutely the fastest way I know of for
the average trader to start seeing big cash generating

If you had gotten this system a week ago you could have
easily paid for it many times over by now.

Go get this today and start making some real cash

All the best


P.S. If you aren't making six figures a year trading
than you need to look closely at this today, because it
could easily make you that much in a matter of months.

Go see how other people just like you are getting rich

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Day 11

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject Line: The $7M gift...

HTML Version (Click image)


SUBJECT LINE: The $7M gift…

How a retired postman shocked his entire family with a
seven million dollar Christmas present…

I just heard a really great story about a retired
postal worker who did something that not many people in
his position could ever do.

Bill worked for something like 35 years delivering
mail. He retired on a meager pension and hadn't ever
made enough income to save a lot.

So his pension, and I suppose some social security, was
all he had.

But unlike many people who retire Bill didn't like to
fish or golf. He had a secret hobby that no one in the
family knew about.

Until one Christmas morning when he handed out little
envelopes to his two grown children and his five

Inside each was a check for a million dollars.

I can only imagine how completely stunned they were.

Learn all about that multi-million dollar secret here:

See, Bill found a very lucrative hobby when he retired.

He took a small amount of his savings and started
trading currencies with it.

He did just OK the first year, but then he met someone
who changed everything for Bill. A mentor who had made
himself millions over the years took a liking to Bill
and started teaching him his secrets.

Before long Bill's account had grown to staggering

That's usually how people get wealthy trading. By
finding someone who already has made a fortune and who
will teach them exactly how they did it.

Today you have that same chance to learn from someone
who has already made the fortune you want so badly.

And who will work with you one on one and show you step
by step his own personal trading system.

Meet him and see his credentials right here:

All the best


P.S. The cash what you are about to see is making
people is life changing so make sure you read this
information carefully, you just may be able to give
your family, or yourself, a multi-million-dollar gift
one day…

Get all the details here:

P.P.S. I just got word of something big happening this
coming week as I was writing this so watch for a
special email from me tomorrow or the day after as I
will give you the details as soon as I confirm them.

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Day 12

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject Line: Triple digit gains, gratis!

HTML Version (Click image)


SUBJECT LINE: Triple digit gains, gratis!

How to get one of the most sought after cash-generating
systems of all time, proven to make giant triple-digit
monthly gains for zero cost…

The system I am talking about scored a huge 651% gain
during the largest trading competition on earth while
the whole world was watching.

Then, it was not seen again except by its creator and a
handful of his close friends.

However today, you can get this awesome system and not
pay a single penny for it.

Learn more here:

Toshko Raychev is giving away what may be the biggest
and best bonus ever to everyone who gets his Ultimate
Profit Solution today.

Those who are trading the Ultimate Profit Solution are
seeing some of the biggest gains of their lives…

Brand new members are seeing win rates of 100%.

They are making hundreds and even thousands of
dollars on their very first trades after having the
system just a day or two.

This system has generated more cash in a matter of days
than any other system I have ever seen:

See income statements and live trade videos that prove
just how powerful and profitable this system is right

Now for the bad news…

Toshko has just told me that he is closing this week.

People are reporting so much success, so quickly, in
the members' area that he wants to give everyone his
full attention.

There is only one of him and his members are his number
one concern. He doesn't really care how many copies he
sells because he doesn't do this for the money.

He makes more in a day trading then he can make in a
month worrying about selling systems and he wants to
help as many people become successful as possible in as
short of time as possible.

So if you want to join them and start making loads of
cash immediately you better get this now:

All the best


P.S. People are making cash with this in their first

"Hello, Toshko. I am pleased to report that I closed 2
trades this morning before work for 100+ pips, and am
currently in a trade on the EUR/AUD which is up about
35 pips as I am typing this and has been up as much as
85 pips. This is unreal! For the first time in my
trading life, I feel like I have the right set of forex
tools to be successful..."

Go get what you need to be successful right here:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Day 13

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject Line: Decision time for investors!

HTML Version (Click image)


SUBECT LINE: Decision time for investors!

The decision you make about this in the next 72 hours
could have a big impact on your entire financial

This could be one of the most important financial
decisions of your life and the clock is ticking.

If you don't decide in the next 72 hours, the decision
will be made for you. And the wrong decision could mean
years of regret and you missing out on a chance to see
both your income and retirement nest egg skyrocket.

Making the right decision could mean triple-digit
monthly gains and becoming wealthy in less time than
you ever thought possible.

Learn more here:

- I have seen this wealth system generate more
money in under a month than most people make in a year.

- I have witnessed it making triple-digit monthly

-I have seen traders sustain a 97%-win rate over
a 30-day period.

People who haven't ever traded anything before are
seeing as high as 100% win-rates and watching cash flow
into their accounts on their very first trades.

It's making them hundreds and even thousands of dollars
in their first few days of using this secret:

Learn this secret to making thousands of dollars
practically overnight here:

You need to look at this now, however. Because the
doors close on this cash-maker in just 72 hours.

After that you won't be able to purchase this
remarkable new trading system anywhere at any price.

The reason is simply this…

Toshko Raychev is a 3-time champion in the largest
independent trading competition in the world where he
beat out thousands of other traders with colossal
triple-digit gains while the entire financial world was
invited to watch.

He has taught thousands of people how to trade
profitably over the years and has over 86,000 fans on
Facebook who turn to him for trading advice and tips.

And when he opened the doors a couple weeks ago on his
Ultimate Profit Solution, the response from the entire
Forex community was much bigger than he expected.

So he is closing the doors to new members earlier than
anyone expected. Get in now and you will also receive
one of the most sought after systems of all time as a
zero-cost bonus, see it here:

He's closing the doors now because he wants to devote
100% of his time helping people in the private member's
area so that they can see success as quickly as

And they are seeing success fast…

Like Brad who is brand new to trading and made over
$727.86 on his very first 4 trades and didn't have a
single loser…

Or this trader who is very happy he met Toshko…
"I made myself $2,800.00 USD… after 2 hours of plug in…
No BS! It really works!"

This is the most common sense, low risk method of
purely mechanical trading I have ever seen. It makes
trading simple, fast and extremely profitable.

Grab one of the few remaining copies here and start
making cash almost instantly:

All the best


Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Day 14

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject Line: Affects all traders - next 48 hours!

HTML Version (Click image)


Subject line: Affects all traders - next 48 hours!

A decision has been reached that takes effect in 48
hours that could either make trading the market much
more difficult or easier and much more profitable for
anyone who trades, depending on what you do with this

This could be the most important news you read today so
pay close attention.

A decision has been reached that could affect how you
trade Forex in the future. It could mean you being
either very profitable or struggling just to break

A year from now the people who see the importance of
using this information to protect their financial
future may be the only ones left standing.

Don't take another trade or invest another penny until
you have read this:

If you have been trading for a good amount of time
you've seen the clues, but have you really been paying

There are days when trading the market feels like being
in a row boat on the Atlantic during a hurricane.

And if the financial turmoil and unrest continues to
grow in countries across the globe, (which is likely)
it could get much worse.

So as serious traders what do we do to prepare
ourselves… To financially benefit from it rather than
seeing are account drained dry?

There is an elite group of traders who believe they
have the answer. You may have heard or read about them.
But were you really paying attention?

If you haven't read this you need to. If you have, you
need to read it again and pay closer attention:

It explains the problems we are facing in detail,
explains why it is happening, and provides the best
possible solution.

Read it and think carefully about it here:

In 48 hours, what you do with this information could
decide your future as a Forex trader.

Read the entire story here:

All the best


P.S. Continuing to trade without this knowledge could
be devastating to your account, so read every word and
think long and hard about what it might mean to you and
your family's future. Close the door and read this now:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Day 15

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject Line: 1 day left before it's gone, gone, gone!


Subject line: 1 day left before it's gone, gone, gone!

"If you're looking for a serious edge that could help
you generate a five or six-figure income in just a few
weeks you'd better hurry before this disappears"

That's it!

In less than 24 hours, my good friend and fellow trader
Toshko Raychev is rolling up the carpet and closing the
doors on his new Ultimate Profit Solution forever.

The system that turned one skeptic into an instant
believer after he made $727.86 on his first four

And helped another trader bag +100 pips while he was
getting ready for his morning commute to his job.

Get your copy with a 25% discount before it disappears:

The coolest part is, it's so easy to use that anybody
could earn cash with it consistently.

Just follow a few simple rules for taking trades and
watch the cash pile up in your account. It's that easy
to do.

Toshko lays everything out for you and eliminates all
the guesswork so you don't need to struggle with
anything complicated to earn cash.

It's the closest thing to 'sniper trading' you'll find

What do I mean by that?

The fact is, many traders take every trade that comes
along. However, smart wealthy traders know to lay in
wait patiently for only the those trades with the
highest potential to earn a profit.

Those are the kind of trades this incredible system
locates for you.

Along with the incredible profit-generating power of
this system you also get six months of the best Forex
education and training available anywhere - all for no
additional charge.

Plus, the complete trading system Toshko used to win
the largest independent trading competition on the
planet, not once, but three times!

Toshko has previously refused to release it to the
public. People tried to bribe him to get it and failed.

However, when you get his Ultimate Profit System it's
just one of many bonuses you'll get for no additional

Look, there's so much value here I couldn't even begin
to cover it in one email.

All I can tell you is, if you haven't got your copy
yet, you'd better run over to Toshko's page and check
this out:

From what he told me earlier, copies are flying off the
shelf and he's anticipating a complete sell-out in less
than 24 hours - maybe even sooner.

There's no risk to try it out for 60 days.

If it doesn't help you earn more consistent cash with
your trades, just return it and Toshko will happily
give you all your cash back.

Get it now before it disappears forever!

All the best


P.S. If you're not making the kind of cash you'd like
to have with your trades, this system could give you a
serious edge - one you could use to double or triple
your trading cash. Hurry! There are only a few left.
Get yours right here:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

Day 16

To see Sales page preview Click Here

Subject Line: [WARNING] You're about to lose your spot!


Subject line: [WARNING] You're about to lose your spot!

"Are you really giving up on a chance to be set for
life and never having to worry about money again?"

Ok, this is crazy…

I can't believe I'm sending this to you, but . . .

There are just a few hours left before expert trader
Toshko Raychev closes the doors on his Ultimate Profit
System and . . .

I wanted to give you one last chance to grab it before
it slams shut.

This is a chance for you to become wealthy…very
wealthy…in just a few weeks instead of months or years.

A chance for you to finally start making life-changing

The kind of cash that lets regular people like you and
me live without ever having to worry about money again.

Most people are skeptical when I tell them this system
could help them achieve all their financial goals, and
I understand that.

I was too, until I saw the proof:

I'm going to let you in on a secret…

Most people would rather dream the dream than act. Why?
Because if it's just a dream, somewhere out of reach,
there's no way they could fail. So, they just don't
try. And sure enough, it's always just a dream.


- You've seen dozens of live trades and
statements that prove beyond any reasonable doubt that
Toshko's UPS system makes consistent cash.

- You've heard genuine testimonials from real
traders who've used this powerful system to earn more
extra cash than they ever had in their lives.

- It comes with a 60 day no-risk trial so you can
see whether it's right for you or not without risking a

- There's a convenient two-payment option to make
it easier on your budget.

There's absolutely no reason you couldn't do it.
You just need to decide whether you're going to let
fear stop you.


In a few hours, it will disappear.

If you want to experience the thrill of making hundreds
of dollars each day in your spare time, there's no
faster, easier way to do it.

If you don't ACT NOW, you'll miss out forever.

Get your copy of Toshko's Ultimate Profit Solution now
before it vanishes:

All the best


P.S. Let Toshko show you how easy it is to earn as much
as $64,919.09 per month with this new trading method.

You have nothing to lose. Hurry! Get your copy before
it disappears:

P.P.S. Remember: Everybody who gets Toshko's new
money-making method also receives six months of
mentoring with the master trader himself at no extra
charge - a minimum $25K value!

Here's where to get started:

Information, charts or examples contained in this email
is for illustration and educational purposes only. It
should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to
purchase or sell any security or financial instrument.
We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice.
No employee or persons associated with us is registered
or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade
on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive
any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we
have a material link to the product or service
mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of
compensation or remuneration.

NB: For Promotional Banners please see further below on this page.


PPC / Media Buys / PPV: If you have a marketing budget, a great way to direct quick and targeted traffic is to use PPC, Media Buys, or PPV. Essentially find a website targeting Forex traders or investors that will allow you to post a banner or link with your affiliate link or landing page directing to Ultimate Profit Solution

Click Here to Download Keywords


Each affiliate that you refer will be signed up on a special link that will be created for you together with a specially written mail that you can forward to each of your affiliate prospects, a simple way to boost your revenue and leverage your relationship with your own affiliates.

Provide them with a top notch product with unbeatable support and excellent commission potential with guaranteed payments from Clickbank from a company with a super low refund rate and unparalleled client support. To participate simple contact our affiliate manager at the details provided below.

Please replace "YOURCBID" with your actual Clickbank ID in each of the Banner links

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Please replace "YOURCBID" with your actual Clickbank ID in each of the Banner links

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Thank you for joining our exclusive launch!

Read On To Discover Why This Is The Most Important Launch You Can Promote This Year.

If you do not yet have a Clickbank account - no problem, it's a quick, easy and free signup which you can do by clicking on the button below. Once completed please return to this page and you'll continue to access all the materials you need to promote the launch.

Firstly; Thank you for joining this program. We have everything you need for you to successfully promote this amazing product right here on this page. If you find you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact our affiliate manager at:

Important: Ultimate Pro fit Solution is an exclusive promotion and affiliates need to have had their Clickbank nickname
whitelisted in order to promote it.

All you need do if you haven’t registered yet to promote us, is to complete this short form after clicking the button below. That way we can get you whitelisted and keep you up to date with the launch progress.

© Copyright 2016
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Monday 25th May
Tuesday 26th May
Wednesday 27th May
Thursday 28th May
Friday 29th May
Sunday 31st May

Ultimate Profit Solution by Toshko Raychev

More materials will be added each day during the official launch and at the end for those that want to mail for a longer time.

Important: We have tested the sales process and are confident that this particular launch will make your bank manager proud, so use every spare mailing opportunity to convert those leads into the "Cash Geyer” sales every affiliate wants.

Our Squeeze pages are converting at a staggering 64%!


The Ultimate Profit Solution system is truly unique, extremely accurate and the best value for money custom made Forex product your clients will have ever seen.

Hundreds of man hours have gone into producing this amazing product which will be irresistible to your subscribers and have them eager come launch day to say "Yes I have a credit card” and this is your chance to promote this truly spectacular Forex Product (this is not a Binaries product) and earn highly profitable commissions.

Then, while they are hot and eager, they get the chance to buy a truly unmissable product for $499, itself valued at close to $3000 alone. This chance of missing out will be just too great and they are virtually guaranteed to be interested in snapping this up as it hits them.

Let me tell you why this launch is so exciting.

The product fits its name, that's because it is a fresh, new method of trading based on proven scientific principles.

And they flat out work.

You can learn more about that in a moment but first...

Here's why you will want to be a part of this:

Meet Toshko Raychev :

Toshko spends most of his day watching the charts, monitoring economic news, trading and fine tuning his craft.

Toshko is a real trader and has put together this one-of-a-kind system after years of testing with his own live accounts.

Toshko is the real deal. Not some actor playing a part. To say that he is a Forex genius would not be an overstatement.

The product will be first class all the way. That's because he has the rare gift of being able to teach people in a meaningful and purposeful way. And they get results.

Your own mission is simple: to get the leads to our page each day … then sit back and watch as hour after hour, day after day from launch day the sales come streaming in.

We have the best copywriters on the planet preparing the best front end sales marketing material possible for this product, and it doesn’t stop there...

Once the lead is captured, our full assault back end return path marketing arm gets flexed to the max assuring a constant source of follow ups to maximise returns and squeeze even more sales from every subscriber.

You get to reap the benefits every step of the way!


Please note we are using Clickbank as our payment platform.

Clickbank will handle all of the affiliate tracking and payouts so there is security for you knowing that you will get paid correctly and on time.

NB: All affiliates intending to promote this product will have their Clickbank nicknames whitelisted by us through Clickbank to enable them to promote this product. Please ensure that you contact our affiliate manager to confirm the Clickbank nickname(s) that you intend to use as your links may not function correctly otherwise.

The Clickbank affiliate URL you will need to use in your promotion is:

(You must replace the YOURCBID with your actual Clickbank ID. Ours is "tiegan").

If you don't have a Clickbank account, you will need to sign up at, before being able to promote this product.

Don't forget to replace the "YOURCBID” with YOUR actual Clickbank ID in the link so that you can earn 50% Commissions on each sale you generate.

All Affiliates supporting our launch have to be whitelisted by us through Clickbank in order to promote this product. Please contact our affiliate manager if you aren't sure that your Clickbank nickname has been whitelisted by us or not.

Please always check your links before sending emails on any day.

How commissions are calculated

The product will retail for $499.

Your Commission on each sale is a gross 50% per sale.

Our own tests reveal that you can expect an optin conversion rate of between 35% to 64% (depending on the quality of your list and your relationship with your list this figure may of course be much higher). We suggest especially leads from the following countries could maximise your returns for any campaigns you might run: U.S.A, Canada, U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa.

Breakdown of what this means for you:

We’ve found that on the upper scale with a responsive list you can expect, with this product and price appealing especially to the more "high-end” customer, at least a $7 Dollar and higher EPC.

Expect the EPC’s to climb even higher as we follow up with all leads that didn’t buy at the get go!

The product is backed by a world class support team and clients will be able to interact 24/7 with our team of expert traders and Toshko via Skype, email live chat and phone, ensuring that refunds are kept to a minimum.

We don’t expect refunds to exceed 5% so that you can confidently promote a great product knowing that your clients, and your bottom line, are also well looked after!

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Launch - Sales page opening












Members Area


Please DO NOT Hesitate to Contact us! Should you at any stage have any questions or need assistance in any way please don't hesitate to contact the affiliate manager at the email address and Skype name below:

Skype: affiliates.oldtree

THANK YOU for your support and we look forward to filling your and your leads pockets with Bucketloads of CASH!!!